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年末年始休暇期間 : 2020年12月24日(木)~2021年1月4日(月)





棚卸期間: 2021年3月16日(火)~3月26日(金) 














 E-MAIL : までご連絡をお待ちしています。



  • 当日の録画動画


お問合わせ先: ヒューストン日本商工会事務局    

Tel. (281) 493-1512  Email:

Posted 01/20/2022





当日の資料はこちらよりダウンロードが可能です。(PDF 2.7MB)


講  師: 武内 三郎 (たけうち さぶろう)氏  

 北米三菱商事 Senior Vice Presidentワシントン事務所長   

   慶応義塾大学法学部政治学科卒。 1995年に三菱商事株式会社入社後、鉄鉱石部、Iron Ore Company of Canada(在モントリオール)、Mitsubishi  Development Pty Ltd 事業開発課長(在シドニー)・同社鉄鉱石担当副社長(在パース)、三菱商事経営企画部(兼社長室会担当)、2016年よりBHP Mitsubishi Alliance事業開発担当役員(在ブリズベン)などを歴任。 2021年1月より現職。 

Used Book Fair



5:30 pm

Dear Members of JBAH,

You are invited to the Secondhand Book Fair sponsored by the Life Style & Information Committee of the Japan Business Association of Houston (JBAH).

We will be selling a variety of secondhand books including bunkobon (paperback), guides & manuals, children’s books, magazines, mangas, etc. In addition, we will have a section for Japanese study materials for those who are studying Japanese.  


Date & Time:2/20(Sat), 2/23 (Tue) ~ 2/27 (Sat) 

10:00AM – 12:00 Noon & 1:00PM~ 4:00PM  

 *30 minute time limit for each party

Place: Conference Room at Sansuikai Center (JBAH)

Ashford Crossing II     

1880 S. Dairy Ashford Rd., Suite 170, Houston, TX 77077 


Reservation:*No entry will be permitted without a reservation.

Please access the following website to reserve (reservation instructions PDF)


※ Please visit in small groups. Face mask required for entry.

※ Please refrain from visiting if you are feeling sick or have visited overseas during the past 14 days.

※ 3 books/ $2.00      Cash only

※ Please bring your own bag.

※ All proceeds will be used to purchase new books for the Sansuikai library.

※ We are accepting donations of gently used Japanese books to be sold at this book fair. 

      Please drop off the donation items at the library by 2/16/2021.

定例講演会ウェビナー『コミュニケーションに対する新しい理解が組織を変える ~新型コロナ時代で求められる対話とは~』の録画動画のご案内



この度、COVID-19 の影響により延期となっておりました4月の定例講演会をWebinar形式にて「コミュニケーションに対する新しい理解が組織を変える ~新型コロナ時代で求められる対話とは~」と題し開催させていただきました。




定例講演会ウェビナー『コミュニケーションに対する新しい理解が組織を変える ~新型コロナ時代で求められる対話とは~』録画動画(1時間2分)
Access Passcode: aXXM4%71

お問合わせ先: ヒューストン日本商工会事務局    

Tel. (281) 493-1512  Email:






日時: 6月1日(土) 10時00分〜12時00分

            ※ 整理券を9時50分から配布します。

場所: 三水会センター 会議室 

 Ashford Crossing II

 1880 S. Dairy Ashford Rd., Suite 170, Houston, TX 77077


※ 3冊 / 2ドル、現金のみでの販売です。

      ※ 売り上げは、生活・情報委員会の活動資金に充てさせて頂きます。

※ お持ち帰り用のバッグを各自ご用意ください。

※ ご不要になりました古本、ひらがな等のドリル、ノートなどがございましたら、



主 催  :ヒューストン日本商工会 生活・情報委員会

第3回 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)勉強会



 19:00 pm



◆日 時:2021年3月28日(日) 

 15-16時(EST), 14-15時(CST), 13-14時(MST), 12-13時(PST)

◆主 催:COVID-19 オンライン勉強会 企画者有志一同

​◆共 催:ヒューストン日本商工会・在ヒューストン日本国総領事館・グレーターヒューストン日本人会・JETRO ヒューストン・ヒューストン日米協会・テキサスメディカルセンター研究者Kubo'sの会・サイエンスを遊ぼうの会ヒューストン・ヒューストンママの会

◆対 象:どなたでも参加可能です(使用言語:日本語)

◆内 容:新型コロナワクチンに関する最新情報やよくある疑問に専門医の先生方が答えます




三水会センター図書館 棚卸作業のお知らせ



 9:30 am



棚卸期間: 2021年3月16日(火)~3月26日(金) 














 E-MAIL : までご連絡をお待ちしています。

Japan Festival 2020 コーラスに参加しませんか?

ヒューストン日本商工会は、5/2& 5/3に開催されるJapan Festival 2020をサポートし当地のコミュニティーに貢献するために、前夜祭コンサートを5月1日(金)に開催します。

それにともない期間限定でボランティアによる「Japan Festival 2020コーラス」を結成し、オーケストラをバックに合唱することになりました。




- 記 -


応募人数: 50名 


対象: 大人男女、子供男女(小学校4年生以上~高校生)





​申込締切: 3月14日




お問い合わせ先: ヒューストン日本商工会 事務局

TEL:  281-493-1512  email:







8:00 am

The Japan Business Association of Houston Donates $50K in Support of COVID-19 Relief Efforts, Including Meals for Medical Workers.

Read more

Donation Request for COVID-19 Fund



10:00 am

As you all are aware, the widespread impact of COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented need in our community. Our Executive Committee has met to discuss the best way to demonstrate our support for those front line medical staffs who are working tirelessly to help ensure the safety of our community and also for those vulnerable families who are going through sudden severe financial hardships.

JBAH, with the approval of the Board, has made a decision to commit total of $50K donation to the following two funds:

①Greater Houston COVDI-19 Recovery Fund

②Harris Health COVID-19 Response Fund

On behalf of JBAH, I would like to ask all of our member companies and individuals to consider making your contributions to these funds.

For more information, please visit "member only" page.

JBAH commits $100,000 to support Hines College's Community Design Resource Center.



10:00 am

In honor of the 50th anniversary, the Japan Business Association of Houston announced its donation of $100,000 to the Community Design Resource Center (CDRC) in the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design at the University of Houston.

For more information, please visit University of Houston website.






 11:30 am









​■申込期間:3月9日(火)~3月31日(水)まで  4月7日(水)まで期間延長‼


2021年 第1回 宇宙セミナーオンライン(2021.2.28開催)の動画



 11:30 am







Donation Request for Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund

  The deadline for donation has been extended to 4/16/21.



10:00 am

Dear Members of JBAH,


We hope this letter finds you safe and healthy.


As you all are aware, the widespread impact of the 2021 Texas Severe Winter Storm has created unprecedented need in our community. Our Executive Committee has met to discuss the best way to demonstrate our support for those who were impacted by the storm. JBAH, with the approval of the Board, has made a decision to commit total of $25K donation to the Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund.

for detail




The deadline for donation has been extended to 4/16/21.



As you all are aware, the widespread impact of the 2021 Texas Severe Winter Storm has created unprecedented need in our community. Our Executive Committee has met to discuss the best way to demonstrate our support for those who were impacted by the storm. JBAH, with the approval of the Board, has made a decision to commit total of $25K donation to the following relief fund:


Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund ( )

The Fund was launched by the United Way of Greater Houston and the Greater Houston Community Foundation to serve communities where residents have urgent needs for recovery from the impact of the winter storm. JBAH has donated $25K to the relief fund established by these two organizations when the city was impacted by COVID-19 in 2020. The Fund has been endorsed by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Fort Bend County Judge KP George, and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner.


On behalf of JBAH, we would like to ask all of our member companies and individuals to consider making your contributions to the fund. To reach the goal of $25K, JBAH will also allocate the budget to donate the balance.  In the event that we collect more than $25K donation from our members, JBAH will donate the entire amount to the fund.


We accept your donation with the amount in increments of $100. (e.g. $100, 200, 500, 1,000…)

All contributions are tax deductible.


To contribute to the donation, please first access the following link and complete the pledge form:


And then send the donation to JBA Houston Foundation before 4/9/21. ← extended to 4/16/21.


Please note that the donation should be sent to JBA Houston Foundation, which is NOT the same as JBAH account we normally use to collect the membership dues.



We accept the payment in the following three methods:


By Bank Transfer (ACH preferred)

Financial Institution Information

Bank: JP Morgan Chase Account No.: 101448075 Routing No.: 111000614

Account Name: JBA Houston Foundation, Inc. Account Type: Checking

*Please send the remittance advice to: Takako Yoshino (


By Check

Check payable to: JBA Houston Foundation

Please mail your donation to: JBA Houston Foundation, Inc.

1880 S. Dairy Ashford Rd., Suite 170, Houston, TX 77077

*Please be sure to write “Winter Storm Relief Fund” in the memo field.


By Zelle (individual member only)

email address:

*Please be sure to write “Winter Storm Relief Fund” in the memo field.



If you have questions, please contact: Hiroko Kobayashi (

Please join us in our collaborative effort to support our community.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance.




Executive Committee Members

Japan Business Association of Houston


Updated 3/19/2021

Donation Request for Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund



The deadline for donation has been extended to 4/16/21.



As you all are aware, the widespread impact of the 2021 Texas Severe Winter Storm has created unprecedented need in our community. Our Executive Committee has met to discuss the best way to demonstrate our support for those who were impacted by the storm. JBAH, with the approval of the Board, has made a decision to commit total of $25K donation to the following relief fund:


Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund ( )

The Fund was launched by the United Way of Greater Houston and the Greater Houston Community Foundation to serve communities where residents have urgent needs for recovery from the impact of the winter storm. JBAH has donated $25K to the relief fund established by these two organizations when the city was impacted by COVID-19 in 2020. The Fund has been endorsed by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Fort Bend County Judge KP George, and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner.


On behalf of JBAH, we would like to ask all of our member companies and individuals to consider making your contributions to the fund. To reach the goal of $25K, JBAH will also allocate the budget to donate the balance.  In the event that we collect more than $25K donation from our members, JBAH will donate the entire amount to the fund.


We accept your donation with the amount in increments of $100. (e.g. $100, 200, 500, 1,000…)

All contributions are tax deductible.


To contribute to the donation, please first access the following link and complete the pledge form:


And then send the donation to JBA Houston Foundation before 4/9/21. ← extended to 4/16/21.


Please note that the donation should be sent to JBA Houston Foundation, which is NOT the same as JBAH account we normally use to collect the membership dues.



We accept the payment in the following three methods:


By Bank Transfer (ACH preferred)

Financial Institution Information

Bank: JP Morgan Chase Account No.: 101448075 Routing No.: 111000614

Account Name: JBA Houston Foundation, Inc. Account Type: Checking

*Please send the remittance advice to: Takako Yoshino (


By Check

Check payable to: JBA Houston Foundation

Please mail your donation to: JBA Houston Foundation, Inc.

1880 S. Dairy Ashford Rd., Suite 170, Houston, TX 77077

*Please be sure to write “Winter Storm Relief Fund” in the memo field.


By Zelle (individual member only)

email address:

*Please be sure to write “Winter Storm Relief Fund” in the memo field.



If you have questions, please contact: Hiroko Kobayashi (

Please join us in our collaborative effort to support our community.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance.




Executive Committee Members

Japan Business Association of Houston


Updated 3/19/2021

2021年 第1回 宇宙セミナーオンライン(2021.2.28開催)



The deadline for donation has been extended to 4/16/21.



As you all are aware, the widespread impact of the 2021 Texas Severe Winter Storm has created unprecedented need in our community. Our Executive Committee has met to discuss the best way to demonstrate our support for those who were impacted by the storm. JBAH, with the approval of the Board, has made a decision to commit total of $25K donation to the following relief fund:


Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund ( )

The Fund was launched by the United Way of Greater Houston and the Greater Houston Community Foundation to serve communities where residents have urgent needs for recovery from the impact of the winter storm. JBAH has donated $25K to the relief fund established by these two organizations when the city was impacted by COVID-19 in 2020. The Fund has been endorsed by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Fort Bend County Judge KP George, and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner.


On behalf of JBAH, we would like to ask all of our member companies and individuals to consider making your contributions to the fund. To reach the goal of $25K, JBAH will also allocate the budget to donate the balance.  In the event that we collect more than $25K donation from our members, JBAH will donate the entire amount to the fund.


We accept your donation with the amount in increments of $100. (e.g. $100, 200, 500, 1,000…)

All contributions are tax deductible.


To contribute to the donation, please first access the following link and complete the pledge form:


And then send the donation to JBA Houston Foundation before 4/9/21. ← extended to 4/16/21.


Please note that the donation should be sent to JBA Houston Foundation, which is NOT the same as JBAH account we normally use to collect the membership dues.



We accept the payment in the following three methods:


By Bank Transfer (ACH preferred)

Financial Institution Information

Bank: JP Morgan Chase Account No.: 101448075 Routing No.: 111000614

Account Name: JBA Houston Foundation, Inc. Account Type: Checking

*Please send the remittance advice to: Takako Yoshino (


By Check

Check payable to: JBA Houston Foundation

Please mail your donation to: JBA Houston Foundation, Inc.

1880 S. Dairy Ashford Rd., Suite 170, Houston, TX 77077

*Please be sure to write “Winter Storm Relief Fund” in the memo field.


By Zelle (individual member only)

email address:

*Please be sure to write “Winter Storm Relief Fund” in the memo field.



If you have questions, please contact: Hiroko Kobayashi (

Please join us in our collaborative effort to support our community.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance.




Executive Committee Members

Japan Business Association of Houston


Updated 3/19/2021




The deadline for donation has been extended to 4/16/21.



As you all are aware, the widespread impact of the 2021 Texas Severe Winter Storm has created unprecedented need in our community. Our Executive Committee has met to discuss the best way to demonstrate our support for those who were impacted by the storm. JBAH, with the approval of the Board, has made a decision to commit total of $25K donation to the following relief fund:


Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund ( )

The Fund was launched by the United Way of Greater Houston and the Greater Houston Community Foundation to serve communities where residents have urgent needs for recovery from the impact of the winter storm. JBAH has donated $25K to the relief fund established by these two organizations when the city was impacted by COVID-19 in 2020. The Fund has been endorsed by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Fort Bend County Judge KP George, and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner.


On behalf of JBAH, we would like to ask all of our member companies and individuals to consider making your contributions to the fund. To reach the goal of $25K, JBAH will also allocate the budget to donate the balance.  In the event that we collect more than $25K donation from our members, JBAH will donate the entire amount to the fund.


We accept your donation with the amount in increments of $100. (e.g. $100, 200, 500, 1,000…)

All contributions are tax deductible.


To contribute to the donation, please first access the following link and complete the pledge form:


And then send the donation to JBA Houston Foundation before 4/9/21. ← extended to 4/16/21.


Please note that the donation should be sent to JBA Houston Foundation, which is NOT the same as JBAH account we normally use to collect the membership dues.



We accept the payment in the following three methods:


By Bank Transfer (ACH preferred)

Financial Institution Information

Bank: JP Morgan Chase Account No.: 101448075 Routing No.: 111000614

Account Name: JBA Houston Foundation, Inc. Account Type: Checking

*Please send the remittance advice to: Takako Yoshino (


By Check

Check payable to: JBA Houston Foundation

Please mail your donation to: JBA Houston Foundation, Inc.

1880 S. Dairy Ashford Rd., Suite 170, Houston, TX 77077

*Please be sure to write “Winter Storm Relief Fund” in the memo field.


By Zelle (individual member only)

email address:

*Please be sure to write “Winter Storm Relief Fund” in the memo field.



If you have questions, please contact: Hiroko Kobayashi (

Please join us in our collaborative effort to support our community.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance.




Executive Committee Members

Japan Business Association of Houston


Updated 3/19/2021

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